This robot can call your customers if they miss important notifications.

Scaling up a business is hard, especially if you are a small team. This makes automating mundane and repeatable tasks even important, and it is easy to do so with a little help from the tech stack available in the market.

Credits: Photo by Eric Krull on Unsplash

We have done it using Twilio APIs. No — we did not build an army of robots. Just a simple automation that simplifies this job.

The problem: Restaurant loses business every time they miss an order.

Each time an order comes in, the customer is notified in their app and they have to confirm this within a set time. If this is missed, customer might order somewhere else, or might need to call which is a poor customer experience.

The solution:

If an order is received but not confirmed by the restaurant in a given amount of time — say 5 minutes, we know something is wrong. Most probably they are busy and away from the app for some time. This is when our bot gets into action and makes a call to the restaurant. This is less likely to be missed and if not answered can be repeated.

Problem solved !

So far this has worked great, and we have not missed a single order.

If you want to use our stack or have any questions contact me at and I will be happy to help.

